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The Official Website of Yoga Vidya Pranic Healing Foundation of TS & AP

Classes Testimonial

Detailed Testimonial Feedback by —
Healer Name : R Santosh
Patient Name : —
Age/Sex : 31 years, Male
Location : Hyderabad, India
Patient Occupation : Software Engineer
Classification-I : Class
Classification-II : —
Problem/Disease Name : —
Testimonial Date : 29-March-2009
This is a very practical course and effects could be felt immediately. Scanning the Aura, chakras etc were wonderful. I never thought I could do healing with my bare hands and that too in just 2 days. We were testing the results with our own hands!
Detailed Testimonial Feedback by —
Healer Name : Siddharth M
Patient Name : —
Age/Sex : Male, 33 years
Location : Hyderabad, India
Patient Occupation : Director-R&D
Classification-I : Class
Classification-II : —
Problem/Disease Name : —
Testimonial Date : August 2009
“Pranic healing is the MOST SCIENTIFIC explanation to all the Vedic and spiritual practices I have come across in my life. Yesterday, I was reading an article on BBC in which scientists claimed that they will be able to generate artificial brain in another 10 years from now. They quoted that around 2 billion people on the planet suffer from some form of mental ailments, which is a whopping 30% of the global population. I wish the scientists could also learn Pranic healing, for then they will understand that the solution to mental and physical ailments.
Further, I think the blessings after Twin Hearts really work. My wife was having problems with the visa and it seemed she won’t get it. I blessed her after the meditation and she got it in a couple of days!

The twin hearts meditation cleansed my soul and the dirty energy came out in from of tears, which really relaxed me and made me more receptive to the teachings. Twin Hearts Meditation really relaxes me and brings me closer to the Supreme Being. Further, blessing mother earth with loving-kindness through the twin hearts meditation brought so much of inner peace and happiness to me…The class was full of practical exercises, which helped me heal others and get healed in return. In one instance, the entire class focused on cleansing and healing a colleague, who suffered from knee joint pain. After healing for 5 minutes the person was already experiencing considerable reduction in pain…Finally, I think I have the knowledge and the tools that can be blended with the daily hectic lives of the modern society to give divine peace, bliss and happiness.”

